
HOOF FunDay at Appaloosa Acres 2009




First Trail Ride - Appaloosa
Acres trails - Lynda and Buck, Terry, Diane and Natalie

Best of America By Horseback Trail Ride with Tom Seay
This weekend ride was held at Lakeview Plantation in South Carolina
March 29th and 30th, 2008

Lynda with the HOOF group at the Clinton Anderson WalkAbout Tour Clinic in
Conyers, Ga August 2008

Lynda and Buck with HOOF at the Blythe Fever Parade
October 11, 2008

Hephzibah Christmas Parade

Titan, Lynda and Buck participated with other HOOFers in the
Christmas Parade

HOOF won 1st place in the Parade

Lynda has completed the 16 hour Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue
Awareness course offered by the
Georgia Dept of Agriculture at their facility in Mansfield, Ga and presented by Dr Rebecca Gimenez, internationally known expert in Large Animal Emergency Rescue.
